Durch den Keimprozess steigen Nährstoffe an und Antinährstoffe reduzieren sich. Im wissenschaftlichen Vortrag "Das Geheimnis der Nährstoffexplosion" an der Universität Mannheim thematisiert Jannis Birth von der AHO.BIO GmbH den Keimprozess als elementare Aufwertung unserer Grundnahrungsmittel.
Unbedingt sehenswert!
- Die Probleme von Weißmehl
- Das Problem von Vollkorn
- Die Vorteile von gekeimtem Getreide
- Was gekeimtes Getreide mit Spermidin, Autophagie und Zellerneuerung zutun hat.
- Wie reduzierte FODMAPs Getreide darmverträglich machen
- Wie der Neurotransmitter GABA in gekeimtem Reis zu mehr Entspannung und weniger Depressionen führt
- Wie durch den Keimprozess in Hülsenfrüchten blähende Stoffe abgebaut werden.
Jannis Birth ist Autor und Co-Founder des wachstumsneutralen Food-Start-Ups AHO nahe Hannover. Bereits zu Beginn seines Sport-Studiums beschäftigte er sich mit der wissenschaftlichen Frage nach einer gesunden und zugleich ethischen Ernährung. Er durchforstete Fachzeitschriften, lernte von indigenen Völkern in Lateinamerika, schrieb eine Master-Abschlussarbeit in Tierethik und stieß durch Zufall schließlich auf unglaubliche Erkenntnisse. Über seine Entdeckung berichtet er im Talk: „Das Geheimnis der Nährstoffexplosion“.
Jannis Birth - „The Secret of the Nutrient Explosion“
Jannis Birth, is author and co-founder of the growth-neutral food start-up AHO near Hanover. Already at the beginning of his sports studies, he dealt with the fundamental question of a healthy and at the same time ethical diet. He studied scientific journals, learned from indigenous peoples in Latin America and, by chance, came across unbelievable findings. In his ted-talk Jannis elaborates on this discovery by revealing the “Secret of the Nutrient Explosion” and practical tips for a healthy everyday diet.
- Sprouting Process:
A process by which seeds or spores germinate and put out shoots, and already established plants produce new leaves or buds, or other structures experience further growth. In the field of nutrition, the term signifies the practice of germinating seeds (for example, mung beans or sunflower seeds) to be eaten raw or cooked, which is considered more nutritious.
- Problems of white flour:
White flour was introduced in mills around the world to address the problem of anti-nutrients and better digestibility of cereals and baked goods. By removing the outer husk, anti-nutrients such as phytic acid are eliminated. Also, important nutrients such as vitamins B1, B6 and B9 are removed along with the husk.
In addition, healthy dietary fibres, which are indispensable for healthy digestion, are eliminated. Thus, although white flour is easier to digest than wholemeal, it contains few health-promoting minerals, vitamins and fibre.
White flour products release a lot of insulin in the body. This can lead to blood sugar fluctuations. With more calories and fewer nutrients, white flour products lead to body weight gain more quickly. Therefore, white flour products should not form the basis of a healthy and balanced diet.
- Problems of whole grain:
Every grain and seed has a natural antioxidant called phytic acid, which is one of the anti-nutrients. Phytic acid binds important minerals (zinc, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium) and blocks enzymes. As a result, these nutrients cannot be utilised by the body during digestion in the small intestine.
The dry whole grain as available in most shops is "asleep" and has a natural protective coating of phytic acid. When we consume whole grains or wholemeal flour, we ingest considerable amounts of phytic acid, which makes it difficult for us to absorb nutrients. The whole grain has many nutrients, which are mainly located in the outer husk. Unfortunately, these nutrients are bound to the phytic acid and are excreted from the body with it. Whole grain products are heavy in the stomach and can demineralise the body in the long term, depriving it of important nutrients that are elementary for a healthy organism.
- Advantages of sprouted grains:
To produce sprouts, dry grains or seeds are soaked in water and thus brought to life. Upon contact with water, the grain gets the signal: Time to grow! Now the seed wants to become a plant and numerous enzymes start a "nutrient explosion" to transform the grain.
Sprouting starts a process of breakdown, conversion and build-up that transforms existing substances such as starch, proteins, vegetable oils and other substances. Starch that is difficult to digest is transformed into easily digestible double sugars, proteins are broken down into available essential amino acids, vitamins are potentiated and important enzymes such as phytase are activated. In contrast to white flour, the important dietary fibres are retained within the husk and many times more micronutrients are provided. The sprouting grain breaks down a large part of the demineralising phytic acid. The activated enzymes in the sprouts now have a digestive effect.

- Higher level of spermidine ⇢ autophagy (biological recycling process of cleaning out damaged cells, in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells)
- Reduced FODMAPs (types of carbohydrates found in certain foods, including wheat and beans. Studies have shown strong links between FODMAPs and digestive symptoms like gas, bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea, and constipation)
- Rice ⇢ neurotransmitter GABA helping with relaxation/mood lifting
- Legumes (e.g. lentils, chick peas) ⇢ less flatulence
- Oilseeds ⇢ more omega-3